Searching for my (Spanish) sense of humor
I was able to immerse myself in the Spanish language of Colombia and the peculiarities of San Carlos. It was a unique experience! And for the first time I really enjoyed learning a new language. The wonderful view, the dedicated teachers and the many friendly locals, were of course instrumental in this! My motivation to learn more is there; but I really hope that...
A Look Inside Spanish Adventure - Student Profile
So, if you are interested in learning Spanish, in experiencing Colombian culture like a local, and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes, Spanish Adventure is the place for you. But what exactly does a week at Spanish Adventure look like? Everything you ever wanted to know about life at Spanish Adventure.

Colombia's national sport: Tejo - steel, explosives, and beer.
While Colombia’s civil war is formally over, one explosive part of its history remains. Colombia’s national sport, Tejo, involves gunpowder, steel projectiles, and alcohol. A combination of any of the latter might sound like a recipe for disaster, yet blowing stuff up while drinking beer is perhaps the best national sport a country could wish for.

All About Colombia Independence Day
The event that sparked Colombia's revolt against Spanish rule was the mere smashing of a flower vase. Well, maybe not, but that's the story told to Colombian schoolchildren when they learn about their country's independence. What about the vase and the independence of Colombia?
We are an immersive Spanish school located just outside Medellin, Colombia. Our passion is sharing the nature and culture of Colombia. We believe learning Spanish is an adventure.
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