Colombian life

Searching for my (Spanish) sense of humor

Searching for my (Spanish) sense of humor

I was able to immerse myself in the Spanish language of Colombia and the peculiarities of San Carlos. It was a unique experience! And for the first time I really enjoyed learning a new language. The wonderful view, the dedicated teachers and the many friendly locals, were of course instrumental in this! My motivation to learn more is there; but I really hope that...

A Look Inside Spanish Adventure - Student Profile

A Look Inside Spanish Adventure - Student Profile

So, if you are interested in learning Spanish, in experiencing Colombian culture like a local, and exploring the beautiful natural landscapes, Spanish Adventure is the place for you. But what exactly does a week at Spanish Adventure look like? Everything you ever wanted to know about life at Spanish Adventure.

Colombia's national sport: Tejo - steel, explosives, and beer.

Colombia's national sport: Tejo - steel, explosives, and beer.

While Colombia’s civil war is formally over, one explosive part of its history remains. Colombia’s national sport, Tejo, involves gunpowder, steel projectiles, and alcohol. A combination of any of the latter might sound like a recipe for disaster, yet blowing stuff up while drinking beer is perhaps the best national sport a country could wish for.