First Name
Last Name
Email Address
When are you arriving?
Only Sundays!
Please note any allergies or dietary restrictions
What is your experience with Spanish language?
Select your package
More information on our packages:
Adventure Package 18hrs/week (Intensive program, recomended)
Scout Package 14 hrs/week (Economic program)
Mini Adventure 9 hrs/week
Daredevil 24 hrs/week
Stay and Adventures (no lessons)
Customize a package (please note in 'Anything else' field)
Do you want to stay with us?
Yes, shared room (included in all packages)
Yes, private room with double bed with shared bathroom(295,000 COP extra)
Yes, double room for a couple, shared bathroom (175.00 COP per person, 350,000 COP extra in total)
Yes, Private room with queen size bed, private bathroom with hot water (415.000 COP extra)
Yes, Private room with queen size bed, private bathroom with hot water for a couple (245.00 COP per person, 490.000 COP extra in total)
Yes, Private room with king size bed, private bathroom with hot water (525.000 COP extra)
Yes, Private room with king size bed, private bathroom with hot water for a couple (300.00 COP per person, 600.000 COP extra in total)
How many weeks will you be with us?
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
How did you hear about us?
Search engine (e.g. Google)
Recommendation from a previous guest/volunteer